Detectives 'r' us

Tried to track down the list of domain apps, but the holder was out of office today. Looks like there will be sufficient information for determining requisite DoDAF artifacts per app, with some extra footwork done with IM/IT to get a handle on update frequencies and app magnitudes. • In other news, worked a bit on the args for having some kind of lifecycle accounting tool. CMMI OPD process area pretty much mandates it (and also MA area, depending on the interpretation of what 'measurements' is measuring), so showing that along with a UML use-case diagram should suffice. Essentially, the point to make is that we need a mechanism for capturing the life of a process instantiation, and this should double as, or work into (via BPEL?), the appropriate process diagrams from the (to-be) process asset library. • The recurrent iGrafx and/or SA question reared its head again today with the news that it's available with the dev seat on the N-M boxen. • Tried to get moving on JB's request for assistance with CQ cross-domain javascript issues, but the tools aren't in place. • This link completely rules: http://www.cmmi.de/cmmi_v1.2/browser.html#hs:null
• Writeup for process asset library and measurement repository is done.

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