Re-in stall

Looking to start using the laptop as the main music and video workstation, so I gave in and reinstalled Vista. The biggest issue with XP was trying to find proper drivers for some of the features, most importantly the ieee1394 ports. Since I'll be using the AudioFire2 with the laptop now, that pretty much forced my hand. I'll miss XP. (Windows 2000 is still the best (only?) non-BS-OS, but life goes on. Well, I guess DOS was about as non-BS as possible.)

So anyway, to compliment my new gear setup, I decided to get around to grabbing my free upgrade to FLStudio 8. After installing, the longtime desire for a plain ol' multitracker / portastudio manifested as an upgrade to the Producer Edition for the audiotrack-in-playlist support. Hopefully that works like I'm imagining it will. I think FLStudio has finally surpassed Cubase and Logic. No joke.

While I was at it, I grabbed Visual Studio 2008 Standard as well because VS2005 on Vista was a real pita the first time around.

In other news, I picked up two books for CMMI. CMMI SCAMPI Distilled: Appraisals for Process Improvement and CMMI Assessments: Motivating Positive Change. I hope they're decent. Can't be too bad, I imagine. Report later.

Received my ITIL score: 37/40 for 92.5%. I missed one question in each of Service Desk / Incident Mgmt, Problem Mgmt, and Service Level Mgmt. Those were the areas I was most comfortable with, so I probably didn't pay close enough attention to the questions. :o

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