Time for less R & more D

Applied for an enterprise architecture (EA) project to be created on the client's overarching 'EA central' environment. This 'EAC', as I will refer to it, is intended to coalesce the EAs from many organizations within the client's larger organization of which the client is a member. Coalesce, meaning to begin a process of sharing architecture features, forming common data definitions, encouraging reuse, etc. I'm beating around the bush with names here, because I don't think I should use the real names in a public blog. Anyway, we're pretty sure the EA we create will become our CMDB at least in terms of allowing the client to see which people/processes/tools will be affected by any changes in the organization during impact analysis. Not only that, but it will form a large part of the Process Asset Library (PAL) via a huge collection of OV-5s. I am going to be the EA's Chief Architect, which is a slight honor. Everyone joked that they only agreed to that because if something went wrong, I'd be the one to get in trouble. Hooray.

The final three months of the first contract term are here and planning begins today. I need to rework our informal DoDAF OV/SV hybrid to reflect the fact that our CMMI PAL will actually be a conglomeration of applications. What will happen, we're expecting, is that these apps will be stitched together so that they appear to be a single source by making a browsable front-end. So, the serious systems integration tasks are right around the corner. I'll post the OV/SV thing when I'm done - it is generic enough to publicize and I think it would be interesting to other systems engineers involved in ITIL, CMMI, and DoDAF.

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